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EIS Grant Awarded for East Ponton Project


  • Regener8 awarded co-funded drilling grant under the WA Gov EIS for the Company’s

    Hatlifter prospect at the East Ponton Project.

  • Co-funded grant for up to $180,000 towards drilling expenses

  • Grant provides substantial contribution to further investigation of the Hatlifter prospect.

Regener8 Resources NL (ASX: R8R) (Regener8 or the Company) is pleased advise that it has been awarded a co-funded drilling grant under the WA Government’s merit-based Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS). Regener8 Managing Director, Stephen Foley, commented: “The EIS grant enables Regener8 to amplify exploration at the Hatlifter prospect over the next 12 months. We’re continuing to be encouraged through the technical merit of the opportunity and thank the WA Gov EIS in providing support to this exciting project”.

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