Silver - Polymetallic Project
Cobar District, N.S.W
Agreement executed for acquisition of tenement application ELA6755 - North Achilles
North Achilles is located within the Cobar district (NSW), well known for hosting outstanding high grade orebodies including the CSA copper (ASX:MAC), and the Peak and Hera polymetallic (Au-Cu-Ag-Zn-Pb) mines (ASX:AMI)
North Achilles is approximately 2km along strike from Australian Copper and Gold Ltd’s (ASX:AGC) recent Achilles discovery, which has returned drill intercepts up to 5m @ 16.9g/t Au, 1,667g/t Ag, 0.4% Cu and 15% Pb + Zn (ASX 04.06.2024)
The Achilles shear (which hosts the Achilles prospect) has been interpreted from geophysical imagery to continue north under shallow cover into the North Achilles tenement, indicating potential for further occurrences of high-grade polymetallic mineralisation
This underexplored tenement is located in one of Australia’s exploration hotspots and provides commodity and geographic diversity to Regener8’s portfolio of critical metal projects

Figure 1 - Local Proximity, North Achilles Project
The Achilles prospect is hosted in the Achilles Shear within the Rast Trough of the southern Cobar Basin. The Rast Trough is dominated by felsic volcanism with minor sediments, and is bounded to the west by the Uabba Fault (Figures 1 and 3).
The potential for polymetallic, Cobar-style mineralisation within the Achilles Shear was first identified by Santa Fe Mining in the late 1990s. The Achilles Shear (Figures 1 and 3) is a 15 km long structure that has been interpreted as a southern, along-strike equivalent of the Rookery Fault system which controls the distribution of the central Cobar district polymetallic deposits at Hera and Peak (AGC Prospectus, 2021).

Figure 2 - Regional Proximity, North Achilles Project
Subsequent exploration of the Achilles Shear by Santa Fe Mining, Savage Resources, Thomson Resources, Western Plains Gold and New South Resources has defined 3 main prospect areas – Achilles 1, 2 and 3. Achilles 3 (approximately 1.5 km south of ELA6755) was initially defined by a distinct lead-in soils anomaly closely related to the outcropping Devonian basement (Figure 3), and further refined by moving loop EM surveys (AGC Prospectus, 2021).
Since listing on the ASX in 2021, AGC has been exploring the Achilles 3 prospect area with the discovery of significant mineralisation approximately 1 km south of the historic Achilles 3 prospect in April 2024 (AGC ASX Ann. 23.04.2024). Subsequent exploration has defined the sulphide mineralisation as occurring within a loosely N-S striking and east-dipping package of sheared and foliated rhyolites that remains open at depth and to the north and south.
Approximately 8km south of Achilles 3, is the Achilles 1 prospect. This is currently being explored by Strategic Energy Resources Ltd (ASX:SER) for a similar style of mineralisation (Figure 2).

Figure 3 - Local Geology, North Achilles Project