Cultural Heritage survey completed at Grasshopper and Hatlifter prospects.
Program of Works (POW) approvals received from DMEIRS
Exploration planning underway
Anticipate maiden drilling in Q4 2024
Regener8 Resources NL (ASX: R8R) (Regener8 or the Company) is pleased to provide an update regarding the East Ponton Project (Project).
A cultural heritage survey has been completed at priority locations of the Grasshopper and Hatlifter prospects by the Upurli Upurli Nguratja Aboriginal Corporation (UUNAC). This is an important step to minimise and negate possible impacts to any areas of cultural significance that may be present and engage with key stakeholders of the company.
Managing Director Stephen Foley Commented: “We’re looking forward to testing the Hatlifter and Grasshopper targets after a long journey to this point, which we thank our shareholders and stakeholders for their patience. It’s great to be underway and
moving through the preliminary activities on the project, and after reviewing and researching the targets over the past 12 months, we’re eager to see what the drill bit reveals from a focused initial drilling campaign.”