Extensive, unexplored paleochannels mapped through compilation of historic exploration data, proximal to Regener8’s Hatlifter paleochannel-hosted Ni-Co prospect
The Hatlifter prospect is interpreted as located within the same paleochannel network as the polymetallic (U-Ni-Co-Cu) Mulga Rock prospect (ASX:DYL), approximately 80km downstream in a similar channel edge position
High grade, sandstone-hosted Ni-Co mineralisation at Hatlifter shares many similarities to Ni-Co mineralisation at Mulga Rocks
Drill planning to test extent of mineralisation nearing completion, with drilling anticipated to commence at Hatlifter and Grasshopper prospects in coming weeks
Regener8 Resources NL (ASX: R8R) (Regener8 or the Company) is pleased to provide an update on the East Ponton Project (EPP).
Following the recent completion of cultural heritage surveys at the Hatlifter and Grasshopper prospects, Regener8 has been undertaking further detailed geological desktop assessment in preparation for an upcoming drill program.